A new topic for my old blog. My neice is always asking "What funny things did A do recently"? And I always forget. So, now I'm going to keep track of them. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Daddy Day Care

I'm going back to work next month. Nick is going to stay home with Aidan and maybe work part time. If he works part time, we need to find day care. I have no idea how to go about this. The hard part is that Nick's schedule may change week to week. What we need is somewhere we can drop Aidan off and pick him at odd hours. Somewhere very flexible. If we could find someone locally who was watching kids in their house, that would be ideal! I just have no idea how to find someone that does that.
I also need to decide what to do about breast-feeding. Should I continue while I'm working? That would involve pumping while I'm at work, which might be a huge pain in the butt. I know its best for a baby to breastfeed as long as possible, but it seems like it might be too hard to do. I could always continue nursing in the mornings and evenings, but supplement with formula during the day while I'm gone.
What a boring post this is!


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