A new topic for my old blog. My neice is always asking "What funny things did A do recently"? And I always forget. So, now I'm going to keep track of them. Enjoy!

Friday, June 16, 2006

You load 16 tons and waddya get?

Aidan had his 4 month doctor's appointment today. He weighs 16 lbs 4 oz and is 27 3/4 inches long. What a big boy! My arms are getting tired carrying him around in his car seat. Pretty soon we'll have to upgrade to a car seat for bigger kids that can still be installed rear-facing. I hope they're not too expensive.
Aidan also had 4 shots today. He was very brave and only cried for a few minutes. But boy was he furious for those few minutes! It was awful...he was looking right at me and screaming his little head off. Hopefully he's forgotten about it by now!
Last time he got shots he slept 12 hours that night. I wonder if we'll be that lucky again? Although, when you're breast-feeding, skipping a feeding because the baby is sleeping is not that lucky!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another day older and deeper in debt...
He is so darn cute! (and of course he is since he is MY nephew, and has fabulous parents!!!)

6/16/2006 9:09 PM


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