The first week

Its the end of my first week at work. Things went really well, and we're all adjusting to this new change in our lives. The hardest part of my day is morning. I get up with Aidan around 5:30 or 6 to nurse him. Then he goes back to sleep and I eat breakfast and get ready for work. For the past 5 months Aidan has always been with me while I prepared breakfast. I would talk to him, narrate how to make coffee, explain why I toasted my english muffins twice (I like them crispy), and just enjoy being with him. Making breakfast on Monday was the loneliest breakfast I've ever made. I kept thinking that I wouldn't be seeing Aidan again until evening. However, once I got to work, the day was fine. And that's how it was all week.
The commute home is also rough. I'm looking forward to getting home, but then I get stuck in rush hour traffic. I really, really hate rush hour traffic. Hopefully I can get into a routine at work of arriving early and therefore being able to leave a little early and miss the worst of rush hour. We'll see. On thursday there was an accident on the parkway (one of those giant steel coils fell off a truck) and it was blocking the right lane. Oh my god. It took me two hours to get home. I knew getting angry wouldn't help so I just cranked up the music and sang loudly to myself. I think I might get some books on tape to listen to during my commute. However, if driving continues to take forever and suck, I will seriously consider moving to an apartment closer to work. We've lived in our current apartment for 2 years, and we always said we weren't going to move again until we bought a house. I still feel that way, but this commute is starting to change my mind. I'm also starting to realize that our apartment is not a very baby-friendly place. Its going to be hard to baby-proof.
And on the homefront....Nick is the best stay-at-home-daddy ever (as can be seen in the picture above). He and Aidan are having a great time at home. They take walks, play, go to the grocery store, run errands, etc... And when Aidan's napping Nick cleans and makes dinner. And he's really enjoying himself! Wow! I am very lucky to have found such a guy. It almost makes me feel a little sad...its not that I wanted Aidan to feel bad when I left for work, but now it feels like he doesn't even needme! I know that's not true...but its tough to be a working mommy. I know that working is important...we need money to live and eat, but I'm no longer taking care of Aidan's every day needs all day. Its more of an abstract mothering...and I'm not quite used to it yet.
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