
I know this will sound cheesy, but sometimes I am completely overwhelmed with love for my little boy. Its amazing...I can actually feel my heart swelling! I also have a new understanding of the way my own parents have acted throughout the years.
When I leave for work in the morning I peek my head in Aidan's room and whisper "Goodbye, Aidan, I love you!" After I did this the other morning, I suddenly realized that Nick's mom STILL does this! A few times they have stayed with us and have had to leave very early in the morning to catch a flight. Before they left I heard her whisper outside of our door "Goodbye, I love you!" I just happened to be awake to overhear this, and at the time thought it was cute, but very cheesy and sappy. But now I do it with my own son, and I know I will never stop. I will always tell him I love him, because there is no other love like the one a parent has for their children.
I also remember when my sister and I were about in 7th grade. My mom still wanted us to wait before we left for school for the day so she could give us a hug and say goodbye. At that age we thought this was the most painful, and somewhat embarrassing, part of the morning. Now I realize that finaly giving that up was probably much more painful for our mom than it was for us to endure it.
Aidan is lying in his playpen while I write this, and he is the most wonderful little thing in the entire world, as can be seen in the above picture.
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