A new topic for my old blog. My neice is always asking "What funny things did A do recently"? And I always forget. So, now I'm going to keep track of them. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I guess I started to write this about 5 months ago. Aidan will 11 months old on Monday! Wow!
He now slithers around on his belly, and loves to play with toys. He has one tooth and two more about to break through. This, unfortunately, is making him very cranky. Aidan also has a great repertoire of noises and babbling that he does all day. Another favorite game is screaming while taking the bath. It echoes in the bathroom and sounds even louder than it is, and he thinks that's just great!
I'm working now and Nick is staying at home with Aidan. They have a good routine going on, although I sometimes come home from work to find them both still in their PJs. Oh well!
I'll post more pics later!

Oh boy. A lot has been going on. Aidan is 6 months old! As you can see in the picture, he is growing quite large and handsome! He likes being on his belly more often now. Well...maybe "like" isn't the word...He tolerates being on his belly more now. He rolls over from his back to his belly all the time...we have to be careful when he's on the changing table! He loves to interact with his environment so much more, too. That is really fun to watch. He'll grab at toys, and when he gets bored with one, he can now drop it and pick up another one. I love it!! However, he's also much more interested in the cats, my hair, Nick's glasses, plastic bags...whatever he can get his hands on. Baby-proofing time is upon us!
Another silly things that Aidan does is kick himself in the crotch. He does this all the time! He'll kick his right leg out and then bring his heel back into his crotch at full speed! Good thing he's wearing a padded diaper!


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