A new topic for my old blog. My neice is always asking "What funny things did A do recently"? And I always forget. So, now I'm going to keep track of them. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

what now?

I thought I had a lot to say.
But, suddenly I'm at a loss.
I'm afraid of sounding stupid. But, why should I care?
I'm only writing this because I don't know what else to write.

btw...what's up with the 9/11 blame game?

Wednesday, March 24, 2004


For the past two years or so, my right shoulder/arm/wrist/hand has been gradually starting to ache more and more. At first it was just slight discomfort. Now it is quite painful at times, even so much so that I have trouble writing and/or typing. More than 10 minutes on the computer and I'm done.
It is very frustrating, especially if your research/schoolwork requires at least some computer work every day.
Yes, I've been to the doctor. Yes, I've been to physical therapy. And, NO!, it hasn't helped!!
I had an MRI the other day (which totally sucked), and I meet with the doc again on friday to discuss it. Maybe they'll find a tiny bunch of terrorists that live in my shoulder and have been blowing up certain essential muscles and nerves. Uh, oh. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. W might call a hit on my right shoulder now.
Complain, complain, blah, blah, blah.
Time to stop. My arm hurts.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Let's All Kill Constance, Ray Bradbury

Nerd Confession:
When I was a kid, maybe around 10, I used to save up my allowance to buy books. I remember going to the WaldenBooks in the Millcreek Mall and running right to the Science Fiction/Fantasy section. One day I came home with a book by Ray Brabury . As of today I have 28 books with his name on their spine, including his newest: Let's All Kill Constance.
Nerd Confession #2:
I was in the Pittsburgh Airport Mall, killing time before my flight, when I saw this book. I grabbed it, yelled "I can't believe it! A new Bradbury book!" and ran to the front counter to buy it.
Anyway, now I've read it. Look out, here I go!
This is mystery and not science fiction, if you can believe it. Bradbury has published two previous mysteries, Death is a Lonely Business and A Graveyard for Lunatics. Having read both of these, I was well prepared for his third. A young screenwriter (one must assume Bradbury, himself) is confronted by an aging Hollywood actress, Constance, on a dark and stormy night. I'm not the first to say this, but who else could pull off using that line, and using it well? She disappears, leaving two macabre books. All the names contained therein are old Hollywood personalities already dead or on their way to dying. Among the graveyard lists is Constance's own name, circled in red. What follows is a madcap adventure through Venice, California, following Constance and whatever she might chasing after, or running from. Bradbury's mysteries are full of fast-paced dialogue that is enchanting and confusing all at once. Being too young to have known and appreciated the Hollywood of yesteryear, I'm afraid some the puns and references are over my head. This will force me to re-read the book at a slower pace, which I'm actually looking forward to. Others might not feel the same. If you're looking for a straight-forward, colored-in-the-lines mystery, buy James Patterson. If you want a crazy phantasmagoria of words, phrases, dialogues, and descriptions...this is your book!

Friday, March 19, 2004

Why won't you answer me? I must look fat!

So, I screwed around with the colors and came up with a few more. I saved some screen shots of them...
here they are! Pick your favorite!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Do I look fat?

I'm trying a few new color schemes here.
Can you tell that I just learned how to edit the basic template given to me by blogger? This is fun! (I'm a nerd)
When I get some more time I'll try a few more color schemes. Let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions!

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Image Hosting, Shimage Hosting

If you've read the several posts below, you'll know I have very little experience with linking images to this oh-so-fancy blog of mine. The service I was using was ImageStation. But, as you know, it wasn't working. I thought it was my inexperience, but surprisingly it wasn't! Well, at least not completely. I finaly did some research on other online image hosting services, and I found out I wasn't alone in my problems. I switched to PhotoBucket and so far, so good!
This page was very helpful in disabusing me of my previous image hosting beliefs, and it helped me find my new host.
I think I've become all link happy. Sorry.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Guess what we got?

Hey, everyone! Guess what we got? A new cat! YAY!
I will try to post a picture, but I'm not having a lot of luck with that sort of thing.
Anyway, about the cat. Her name is Ella, and she is very cute. She is extremely cuddly, even though she has claws. She also likes to burrow underneath the covers and sleep at the foot of the bed. Weird.

Thursday, March 11, 2004


This is what my cat does when I try to do homework.


sorry about the crappy post below. i'm trying to get an image linked there, and i'm having a hell of a time doing it. it worked once, but then it stopped working, and i don't know what changed. i'm using sony's imagestation as a place online to hold my pics, and then i'm using some code provided by blogger to link to it...however, it doesn't seem to like me. i'll try some more...it's a really cute picture.

Friday, March 05, 2004

Monday, March 01, 2004

One Book, One Community

Everyone should read.
Several great programs have been started across the nation to encourage their communities to read.
Find out what your neighbors are reading here.