A new topic for my old blog. My neice is always asking "What funny things did A do recently"? And I always forget. So, now I'm going to keep track of them. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

whad da fud?

I can't breathe through my nose right now.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

As wise as Solomon

God Knows, Joseph Heller.

Interesting. Funny at times. However, I think I need to be more familiar with the Bible before I can really enjoy this book. Its sort of "the life and times" of King David, as told by King David. He complains about how Michelangelo's statue doesn't really look like him, how his "wise" son Solomon is really just slow and dim-witted, how annoying it is to have so many wives, and how he's mad at God and won't talk to Him until He apologizes.

The Time Traveller's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger.

Excellent! I loved this book! I read it in 3 days, and I was very sad when it was done. I already want to read it again, but I must wait!! There are other books to read!!
This book manages to make time travel an emotional and psychological experience, not just a scientific one. We are interested in how it happens, but we are more interested in how it affects the characters in the book. How would you feel if you first met your husband when you were 6...and he was 30? And then married him when you were 20 and he was 28? Weird. But infintely cool.

Non-book related news:
My classes are ok. I don't feel like thinking about them now.
I'm turning 26 next month. I feel old. Especially when most of my classmates are 19 or 20.
I might go to Arizona over Thanksgiving to visit my sisters. Yay!
I'm tired.

Good Night!