Oh my.
Has it been so long? I actually wrote a post last week, but my computer pooped out on me and I didn’t feel like retrieving it.
And then I went on vacation! Nick and have spent the last 5 days in Orlando, Florida!! Nick’s parents live there, and we stayed with them. We went to the beach, slept, ate, and went to Universal Studios. Lots of fun!
Right now we’re watching the Steeler’s winning by 17 to 14. Let’s hope it stays this way!!!
I also stopped working at FedEx. But, only for the fall semester. My classes start Monday. Oh, crap. I forgot to buy books. I might as well throw a few hundred bucks out the window. Shit.
Anyway, I’ve been reading a lot. Here’s a sampling:
Rabbit Redux, John Updike
More death and destruction in the life of Rabbit Angstrom, protagonist extraordinaire. How can you like a character that pisses you off so, so, so much? If only he could hear us as we read about him…”No, Rabbit! Don’t let it happen like this!!”
Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut
A re-read. Any book with drawings of assholes and underwear is OK by me. For real, yo.
Lord of the Flies, William Golding
Wow. How tenuous is our hold on civilization? Do we act nice only because other people act nice? What if everyone else stopped? What would YOU do?
run with the hunted, charles bukowski
Cheap wine, anyone? An excellent chronological mix of prose and poetry. Another re-read, although this time I only read the prose. I don’t know why. Jen, don’t forget that we are some day going to get drunk on cheap wine as we read this out loud.
Lady Oracle, Margaret Atwood
I can’t believe that I’m going to say this…but…can’t you think of anything else to write about? I felt like I was reading a crappy version of Cat’s Eye. AHHHHH! Heresy! May my tongue fall out so that I can not utter such blasphemy!
I’m in the middle of a book right now, too. I’ll let you know about it once it’s done!